Is 30% of Science BS? - BlueYouth Live Group

This episode is a great primer for an essay or even series of essays challenging "Science".  In the current time and foreseeable future science and how we react to it is and will be of the highest importance.  

First it's important to understand that science is about peer review and replication.  It is this process leads to things being confirmed and disavowed, and the real value of science.  See the comment below...

Stuart Ritchie has a TON of information that shows where and what bad science is.  Stuart clams as much as 30% of published and peer reviewed science may be bogus. He also has some great tips on how one might determine the good from the bad.  

The episode has tons of other citable research mentioned, and the book even more.  Take good notes :)

The Jordan Harbinger Show 436:
Stuart Ritchie | The Science Fictions Undermining Facts
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3 years ago
Science Is & Science Isn't:

Science isn't a thing; isn't the words of a scientist or expert; and isn't even scientific research.

Science is a process:
1) A hypothesis / an idea is stated.
2) Rules based research is designed and executed.
3) A theory is then described.
4) The theory and research are then peer reviewed and published.
5) CONFIRMATION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART - if a theory is important or exciting enough then other researcher(s) will do more research that either confirms or dispels the original research's theory. And then those theories go through the same process and so on... Until the topic becomes boring, highly confirmed, or dispeled.

When presented with "science" the next question should be about the theory's confirmation status. And the right answer should literally read like a very dry book of citations.

Global warming = highly confirmed.

Wine is good for your heart = was mildly confirmed and then became highly dispelled.

Unconfirmed theories are a good bet = highly dispelled.

If one really cares and is ready to make important choices on "science" then probably your research on those theories should not be based on crap like this Facebook post, or other crap found on Twitter, Instagram, or Google...

Probably you would want to check places like; &
1 reply
3 years ago
just one of MANY examples of how widely accepted science can be proven wrong.

1 - good news science is self correcting by the definition of science.

2 - don't bet all of your chips on past, current, or especially new science.