A To-Do List app to help you be even better !

A To-Do List can be super simple. Being Mindful goes beyond crushing To-Dos.

This template / your copy starts with folders that can help maximize your output by minimizing time waste.

Once you make your COPY - feel free to edit things to work best for you!

Pay Tennis Dues - Mindful Daily To-Do List

Obviously if you had a note here is would likely be about how much to pay, written to who, address, link, etc...

I'll use this opportunity to talk about some other RallySite functions you might want to know.

Bold Text Inside Your Message
RallySite messages allow for HTML. For most people this seems like too much. However, the bold function is super simple and anyone can use it.

Edit this message and you'll see exactly how to do it!

If you are an advanced user and know a bit of HTML you can do all sorts things.
